Thursday, October 18, 2012

Yays and Nays take two.

So todays blog is a little bit different, while they are still nays and yays it has just been a major learning situation for me lately. Nay- They other day as I was at the drive through, these three girls came to the window, they started giggling as they drove up and i politely handed them their stuff and took their money, as I was doing so, one of the girls asked me if i was 'religious?' (I rather hate that question because i feel like its an awkward question to answer) but non the less, I told her that "I was a Christian and i went to church so i guess the answer would be yes" I then asked her why, secretly hoping it was because she was too... I love meeting other Christians especially when it seems like there is none. Instead she replied, in a way that actually kinda stung..."Well your name is Noel so you must be religious." All three of the girls cracked up like it was the funniest thing in the world and drove off. I spent the next hour of my time analyzing the situation, its funny how a range of emotions came over me. I was stunned, did I actually get made fun of? I was slightly upset, confused and a little hurt. I know it doesnt seem like that big of a deal but i realize just a little bit more the need for respect and kindness in our world. Especially our generations. Parents teach your kids respect and kindness, be examples for them and dont let them be overtaken by the world. No one should ever be made to feel like they are less of a person because of where they work, how they dress, what they look like, talk like or live like. As Christians we are the body and we are to give life. On a much lighter note. Yay- Getting to work with foreign workers is one of the most amazing things. They are seriously some of the kindest, hardworking people I have ever met. I know that this was one of my Yays last time but I want to elaborate a little bit more. I want to tell you about Gema, one of the Filipino ladies that I work with, she is probably in her late thirties, and she has been in Canada for 4 years. That is 4 years away from her two kids who are about to graduate high school and elementary and 4 years away from her husband. And the only reason she is here is to make money for them to send back so that they may have a better future and education then she did. If you ask me that is pretty amazing. Pretty selfless and quite an example that we can all learn from. To be perfectly honest, I would have a really hard time even being in the USA away from Ryan right now. I am amazed by her gentleness and desire to meet her families needs the best way that she knows how. I commend her for her hard work and constant smile even when she is over worked and under paid. Yay to Gema today!!!!! Let me leave you with a challenge to speak life into someones life today not death and may I also challenge you to work for something more than the dollar sign.

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